Q&A with Twitter’s senior director of curation Joanna Geary on how her team decides which trends to summarize and how to contextualize them, more (Will Oremus/OneZero)

Twitter has become the toxic ground for internet fame, where anyone can be made into an celebrities by just posting their popularity on social media. People rely heavily upon this site to keep up-to date with what’s going viral and it’s not uncommon that some users will go out of there way in order find more information about certain subjects or trends before others do so they have better odds when trying describe something accurately without being too late because everyone else already knows how great.

Twitter’s latest update to their Trending tab is designed so you can get the general idea without having spend five minutes looking at what’s trending. The module lists words or phrases that appear in more tweets than usual, and today it shows this information through a side bar called “What’re Happening.”

Trending topics on Twitter are an open window into the messy, beating heart of a service that’s built around public conversations about current issues. Sometimes they show us funny or uplifting images; other times it’s ugly stuff – but always fascinating! Other times these trending posts become vectors for misinformation which can quickly grow outside their original niche audience just by virtue mongering tactics like boosting likes/shares etc., despite attempts by users who want them debunked- leading phrases such ” Covid 19 lie”

Twitter is making changes to their trending topic feature. They are now adding more context and keeping it real with what’s going on in the world around you! The company has always had an automated system for removing toxic, hateful or obscene topics but starting last fall they began turning those off too-so if someone posts something inappropriate then there won’t be any distractions from other users’ conversations anymore because Twitter will take care of it automatically by closing down these accounts before anyone else can see them without warning either ahead.

Will Oremus / OneZero:Q&A with Twitter’s senior director of curation Joanna Geary on how her team decides which trends to summarize and how to contextualize them, moreTwitter description guy isn’t a guy. It’s Twitter’s curation team, and I talked to the woman who runs it.

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