General Hospital Spoilers Jason – A Love Triangle between Jason, Carley, Drew

General Hospital Spoilers Jason – One of the most popular soap operas, General Hospital (GH) has been able to create a successful storyline where an actor/actress who was thought be dead returns. This article will analyze some clues suggesting that Jason Morgan may have survived his apparent “death” and could potentially come back into play for this show!

First off all – let’s talk about how much more feasible it is in sitcoms or month-to-month series because they don’t need any continuity whatsoever; whereas if you’re watching Hulu on your phone then chances are pretty slim.

Monica Quartermaine recently mentioned that the incident caused a lot of uncertainty about Jason’s fate. That’s why she is deciding to ask for an official death certificate and have him declared dead so they can finally put all their energy into celebrating his memory instead.

General Hospital Spoilers

It seems like there’s some new indication that Jason isn’t really dead in the first place. Why would anyone bring this up?
It could be possible to let everyone believe Monica was doing it and then continued without any mention of him at all, but they’re deliberately adding his name into things now–which is clearly meant as a signal for when he’ll come back again later down road somewhere along side these other big returns usually do (such preparation needed!).

Broadcast is focusing on the rivalry between Sonny and Nina Reeves, while also following Jason ( resurgence )’s story. They will be examining both characters for quite some time in this upcoming season – leaving aside an important love interest of his own: Carly Gold/Drew cheated sexually with Sam when they were enemies before but still has feelings towards him which could lead into romance if nothing else does

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He may not have had many scenes together at first glance because she was dating someone else during Season 3 or 4… But lately we’ve seen them interact more often than one would think possible without any awkwardness whatsoever! And now it seems possible that these two might end up getting engaged afterall?

Well, it looks like we’re going to have some big romances coming up on General Hospital. The show has been hinting at Jason’s survival for quite awhile now and I am sure fans will be happy when they find out what happens with him! As far as new characters go…I don’t think there were any surprises this week so CDL will just keep you updated if anything changes or breaks during production again (they usually do).


